My favourite record at the moment
John Peel, Radio 1
Possibly the finest early eighties band never to have a chart single. Practically ever present in the Indie Charts for a brief, but magnificent, 2 years.
Their first single was the much beloved Getting Nowhere Fast but it was the ‘B’ side Warm Girls which, as well as supplying the name for the band, had so many ideas and motifs packed into one song that really pointed to the direction the band would take. It was inevitable that the final riff would resurface on Fast Boyfriends – it was too good for just the one song.
After the debut indie hit, the follow up singles Politics and Go For Gold resulted in them recording Richard Skinner and John Peel Sessions.
Their only album, Pleasure, was an album so different from the rest of the post-punk indie pack that you can still play it now and completely baffle new listeners. As John Peel said about Roxy Music, it just doesn’t seem to relate to anything else.
How can four people pack so much excitement into two minutes!
Ed Stewart, Capital Radio
I hung around after school to see them play at Portsmouth Polytechnic. I didn’t get in because I had no fake id, non-students had to be signed in and I hadn’t worked out how to dodge this by sneaking in and going upstairs to the cafe before 6pm!
But I did manage to hear the whole gig by hanging around the fire exit and met them all afterwards in the dressing room.
If Jo got the letter I wrote to her, I hope she’s lost it!